Sunday, December 12

Shahraban Governor in Baghdad threatened to arrest the labour activists who joined FWCUI

The governor of Sharaban issued an official order to all companies and factories in this neighbourhood to prevent and try any labour activist who joins FWCUI. He stressed that the only official and legal federation is IFTU and threatened to arrest those who joined FWCUI.

It seems that this Governor neglects the international labour conventions specially conventions Nr. 98 and 87 which clarifies the right of workers to establish their unions and prevent the government to interfere in this matter. Pressurising workers only to join one union is an old tradition of Baath Regime which seems that this Governor is also one partner of these fascist policies of Baath regime. FWCUI will raise an official claim against this fascist policies of Governor of Shahrban and we will stress that he must be tried and not freedom loving labour activists.

November 2004


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