Friday, December 17

Demonstration in Defense of the Residents of Falluja

A rally was organized on November 18 at al-Fardoos square in Baghdad by the worker-communist Party of Iraq and the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq. Many speeches were delivered condemning the genocidal operation by occupation forces. Rashid Ismail spoke on behalf of the Worker communist Party of Iraq. Yanar Muhammad spoke for the Organization of Women's Freedom. Falah Allwan spoke for the Federation of Workers’ Council and Unions in Iraq, Qasim Hadi for the Union of the Unemployed in Iraq and Samih Ashoor for the Committee to Defend the Residents of Falluja. All condemned the brutality demonstrated by US forces against the residents of Falluja, Ramadi, Baaquba and Mosul.

They also condemned groups of political Islamists for turning residential places into battlefields. A large number of Iraqi police cordoned off the area. CNN, Reuters, Associated Press and radio BBC were there and covered this rally.

UUI and FWCUI-November 2004

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