Sunday, May 1

Moves towards workers' party in Egypt

Al Masry Al Youm has reported (15 April) on attempts to set up working-class political organisations in Egypt.

“Egypt has not had a workers’ party since the 1940s, but, like many other things the revolution has revived, these entities are coming back to life.

“Over the past five years, workers and labor activists nationwide have loudly advocated for the establishment of a workers’ party and now they are organizing groups including the Democratic Workers’ Party, the Revolutionary Workers’ Coalition, and the Popular Coalition Party…

“Yet establishing a genuine labor party may be more difficult than ever given the legal restrictions imposed by the provisions of the interim constitution, and the new Political Parties Law issued on 29 March. Under these laws, the establishment of class-based parties is strictly prohibited.”

The report includes comments from activist Kamal Khalil, an engineer and the leader of the Revolutionary Socialists group, who plays a pivotal role in the establishment of the Democratic Workers’ Party, Kamal al-Fayyoumy, a labor-activist and textile worker at state-owned Egyptian Spinning and Weaving Company in Mahalla and Fatma Ramadan, a labor organizer and industrial safety inspector at Giza’s Manpower Bureau and a leader of the Revolutionary Workers’ Coalition is another fledgling labour organization.

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