'Anti-War Women Make a Splash at World Social Forums'
WASHINGTON - January 30 - During the World Social Forums in Caracas and
Bamako that closed on January 29, CodePink's campaign to stop the war in
Iraq received enthusiastic support from women's organizations and
prominent personalities who agreed to sign the call and bring the
signatures to their embassies on March 8, International Women's Day.
Among the new endorsers is Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who became
the 30,000th person to sign on at www.womensaynotowar.org. "There is no
stronger force than strong women demanding peace," said President
Chavez, as he met with CodePink cofounders Medea Benjamin and Jodie
Evans, and "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan. "I'm delighted to sign on, and
will encourage women throughout Venezuela to sign."
"We were overwhelmed by the tremendous support we received at the Forum
in Caracas," said Medea Benjamin. "Colombian women of the Ruta Pacifica,
who have struggling for a negotiated solution to their devastating civil
war, said they would join us on March 8. Parliamentarian Nidia Diaz from
El Salvador, the only country in Latin America with troops in Iraq, said
she'd organize a big anti-war forum for us in El Salvador. And further
north, the Canadian Autoworkers and Postalworkers pledged to circulate
the Call among their union members."
At the World Social Forum in Bamako, Mali, the main organizer and former
Minister of Culture Madame Aminata Traore signed on, as did Bisi
Adeleye-Fayemi, Executive Director of the African Women's Development
Fund. "African women know all too well that women and children are the
primary victims of war," said CodePink's Gael Murphy in Bamako. "That's
why they are anxious to show their solidarity with Iraqi and US women."
The Women Say No to War Campaign hopes to get 100,000 signatures on
their Urgent Call for Peace. On March 8, they will take the signatures
to US embassies around the world, hold antiwar events throughout the US,
and invite Iraqi women to Washington DC to talk to US elected officials
and the public. To interview the cofounders about their experiences at
the World Social Forums or about the Women Say No to War Campaign (see
www.womensaynotowar.org), contact call Meredith Dearborn at 415-575-5543
or email info@womensaynotowar.org.
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