Thursday, November 3

Student support for Organisation for Women's Freedom

The Monash Student Council recently passed a motion
authorising the donation of $3000.00 to the
Organisation for Women's Freedom in Iraq.

MSA President Nick Richardson stated, "The donation we
have given to the Organisation for Women's Freedom in
Iraq will make a contribution to the struggles of the
Iraqi people for control over their own lives, and
against the US and Australian imperial occupiers as
well as the political Islamists. This donation can be
used in any way that the Organisation of Women's
Freedom in Iraq believes is necessary to defend the
Iraqi people, and women in particular, from the
violence and oppression of the occupation and its

In 2005 the Monash Student Association made the
following financial commitments to other organisations
and non-student individuals in the pursuit of
progressive social change and in efforts to counter
the regressive policies of the Government:

$3000.00 for Organisation for Women's Freedom in
(To assist an Iraqi Organisation affiliated with the
Iraqi Freedom Congress struggling against the US and
Australian occupation as well as Political Islamists)

$700.00 for the Melbourne Stop the War Coalition
(To assist in the organisation of political action
against the occupation in Iraq)

$400.00 for the Black GST campaign
(To assist in the campaign calling for a boycott of
the Commonwealth Games and addressing the
'stolenwealth?as a symptom of the continued genocide
of Indigenous peoples)

$6600.00 for legal fees for two asylum seekers
(Covering the costs of migration legal fees to assist
in their bid for freedom from detention)

$300.00 West Papua National Authority
(To assist in the efforts to gain West Papuan

Mr Richardson further said, "It is the ability of
student organisations to fight and assist others in
their battles against those who dominate over people
that makes student unions so important. Moreover, this
makes them the target of the Liberals, Barnaby Joyce
and the Australian Vice Chancellors Committee. They
want us to stop because we threaten their privileged

For further information contact
Nick Richardson
Monash Student Association

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