Wednesday, October 26

They mechanical industries workers are preparing for a sit in

The general company of the mechanical industries consists of more than 6000 workers who represent different sectors and fields. This company has different departments who have the ability to produce different types of mechanical tools.

The plant was ordered to stop production and the workers were forced to go on leave, and receive their paycheck without any benefits and bonuses, which is not enough to survive more than one week.

The workers had demanded to operate the plant and propose a long-term plan to keep operating the factory. In addition, the federation of worker councils and unions in Iraq had requested the ministry to operate the factory to avoid any layoff.

During the negotiation with the management, the management stated, “The ministries do not sign any contract with the company to ensure their needs, however they buy their needs of products from the private sector with high cost and poor quality”. The reason is to drive the plant to bankruptcy and labeling it as a non-productive business and shutting down the plant.

It is obvious that many companies, plants and factories that belong to the public sector are suffering from the same policy adopted by the government to label them as non-productive businesses, which will eventually be privatized and ultimately lead to millions of unemployed workers.

Federation of Worker Councils and Unions in Iraq


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