Tuesday, November 30

Solidarity Message from Solidarité Irak –France to the Basra conference

Dear comrades,

One year ago, we learned about the fight of the Union of unemployed and the Federation of workers councils and unions against US occupation and reactionary terrorism of baathism and political Islam. We immediately decided to support it and created a solidarity group in France, Solidarité Irak. Day after day, we translated your communiqués, organized support events and meetings, engaged all left organizations, unions, associations to support you as well. One year after, this support has grown and become more effective. We organized a support meeting to the Bassrah conference and invited Amjad al-Jahwary to explain the fight of the Union of unemployed and The Federation of workers councils and unions in

The Bassrah conference is an important step in the building of Working-class movement,for its unity against all ethnics, religious, sexual divisions, for the right of workers and for equality between women and men. We, French activists of Solidarité Irak, fully support this conference and the building of worker councils and unions and send our salute to all our
comrades in Iraq.

Solidarité Irak –France

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